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[Avaliações: 178 Nota: 4.5]

Shrimp Pad Thai
Involving dried Thai noodles, the green beans, and the delicious tamarind spicy sauce, this one is as good of a seafood dish as it only gets!

 Hawaiian Shrimp
As easy and straightforward as this recipe is, its simple lineup of Garlic, Lemon, Butter and Shrimp as 4 main ingredients highlights all the beauty of each product and of their combination.

Roasted Basil Butter Parmesan Shrimp
Making a grilled and roasted, BBQ styled dish with shrimp as the main ingredient is definitely an American way! Enjoy this one with the Parmesan cheese, basil and oregano used to spice it up!

 Salt And Pepper Shrimp
Yep, as simple as it sounds, this Brazilian way of cooking shrimp (which they often apply to other seafood as well) is a) delicious and crusty and b) quick to cook!

To enjoy the full recipes, sign up for our “Seafood and Wines” Cooking Class and be up-to-date with what the world wants to eat today!

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